
lunes, 8 de agosto de 2011

An Interview with Radhanatha Swami: A Hare Krishna, Part I, II, III





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An Interview with Radhanatha Swami: A Hare Krishna (part 3)[29 Mar 2007|02:51pm]


We haven't lost very many people to deprogrammers because most of the people who do get deprogrammed come back. The reason is deprogrammers, they do everything they accuse us of doing. They don't let you sleep, they don't let you eat, they constantly harass your mind. Whereas, in Krishna consciousness, although we live very strict lives, very religious lives, there's complete freedom in Krishna consciousness to come and go as you like. So, generally, because our philosophy is very comprehensive and very very satisfying to the intelligence, even after someone tries to change your mind, you want to come back anyway.

Prabhupada was in America for 12 years. He was 82 when he died in 1977.

New Vrindaban was established in 1968. They are working on a new temple. It will be 220 feet high and will be the largest temple of its kind in the western world. It will all be hand-carved stone.

George Harrison became involved because he always had an interest for many years in spiritual life and eastern religions. When he met Prabhupada as a spritual master all of his questions were answered and he decided Prabhupada was a genuine highly realized sacred person. so he actually, at one point wanted to join this movement, but Prabhupadatold him "it's better if you remain a musician through your writings and your songs teach people about the purpose of life and Krishna consciousness." So he did that and many of his songs reveal the message of Bhagavad Gita and Krishna consciousness.

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An Interview with Radhanatha Swami: A Hare Krishna (part 2)[29 Mar 2007|12:25pm]

So Lord Chaitanya taught that the essence of the Vedas is that in this particular age that we're living, which is an age where people have very little propensity for real spiritual life, the most practical and easy method of reviving our God-consciousness is by chanting the names of God. So he practically demonstrated his whole life this process of chanting, and dancing, and serving God with whatever propensity or inclination one has, whether one is a student, or, doctor, or lawyer, or businessman, or farmer or a priest, if we just dedicate that inclination to serving the Supreme Lord we can develop our love of God. And by chanting the names of God it makes this realization take place. So then Lord Chaitanya gave this same eternal message that Krishna spoke to his disciple until in 1965 His Divine Grace A c Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada just brought this very very great teaching to the Western world. And when he came to America, he was 70 years old. He didn't come to bring anything new, he didn't come to give his own opinion, but he came as an ambassador to the world's oldest religion, to a philosophy which literally has thousands of books written on it and he purely spoke this great message. And from him the Hare Krishna movement spread all over the world. Especially in the western area.

There was a prophecy that said the movement would start in America and spread throughout the world.

In India, there are millions and millions of us. in America, only about 10,000 initiated devoteesin the western world, and probably many millions who more or less follow our principles and believe in our teachings.

When we take initiation we take a formal vow that we will not have illicit sex, which means any type of sexual contact outside of marriage. We don't have any kind of taking of intoxications, which includes alcohol, coffee, tea, and any kind of drug for the purpose of becoming intoxicated.we don't eat meat, fish or eggs, and we don't smoke. We also take a vow to chant the holy names of God a prescribed amount every day. generally, people don't get initiated until they are twelve years old. The children chant less than the full initiates.
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An Interview with Radhanatha Swami: A Hare Krishna (part 1)[29 Mar 2007|10:04am]

(I wrote this some twenty years ago, for a high school class. it's long,so will be broken into parts)

5000 years ago, the Supreme Lord appeared in this world in the beautiful form of Lord Krishna. This is explained in the Vedas, or sacred scriptures of India.Krishna is the name of God and Krishna means "one who possesses all attractive qualities". So, when Krishna appeared, He demonstrated Beautiful pastimes, which showed us the great power and mercy of the Supreme Lord, and He demonstratedthese pastimes in order to attract our minds back to Him.

He also spoke one very great scripture, called the Bhagavad Gita. Now from this time, the eternal message that Krishna gave was handed down and preservedthrough a great chain of disciplic successionof spiritual masters, or gurus. The idea of disciplic succession is that one person becomes a spiritual teacher by hearing from his spiritual teacherand then he gets a disciple and repeats the same message, and then the disciple, when he realizes the message, could become a spiritual teacher. And in this way,the disciplic succession goes down the line. So 500 years ago, Lord Krishna himself appeared in this great disciplic succession Himself as Lord Chaitanya. Lord Chaitanya was prophesied 4,500 years before his birth in many of the Vedas, or sacred scriptures of India. And, his incarnation was very very unique. He came-although he was God-he came in the form of God's devotee to show us in this age what is the best, most practicaland effective way of devoting our life to God, and developing love for Him.



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His Holiness Radhanatha Swami


His Divine Grace A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada

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