----- Original Message -----From: FeedBlitzTo:Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2011 9:00 AMSubject: Planet ISKCON - 47 new articles
"Planet ISKCON" - 47 new articles
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Upcoming Visitor
- H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Thursday 3 March 2011--There's Nothing Like Krishna Consciousness--and--Why Lord Shiva Smokes Marijuana?
- Malati dd, USA: Mexican Horchata
- Mayapur Online: Report from the GBC Strategic Planning Meeting Part One
- Mayapur Online: Srimad Bhagavatam Class- Live from Mayapur
- Australian News: Another Exciting Week… at Hare krishna Valley
- Australian News: Different Forms of Kirtan: Sri Prahlada
- Malati dd, USA: ISKCON Philippines Febuary 2011 Newsletter
- Australian News: ISKSON Canberra: What’s on and when! (Includes Madhava)
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Gangesvara Prabhu
- Australian News: Guess who’s coming to Brisbane
- David Haslam, UK: Launch of Celebrating RE (video’s)
- Australian News: Sri-Sri Radha-Damodara Vilasa (The Inner life of Vishnujana Swami & Jayananda Prabhu)
- Australian News: MADHAVA ON VIDEO – See it here
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
- Australian News: Madhava – Down Under- don’t miss this
- H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): 237
- H.H. Sivarama Swami
- Japa Group: Chanting Workshop Sambhanda Pt.2
- Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Tipster : How To Cook With A Baby
- Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Siva Considers Himself a Servant of Krsna
- The Loft, Auckland, NZ: Calling All Adventurers!
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Kurma dasa, AU: Does Flying Give You Cancer?
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Recipe : Vegan Vegetable Barley Soup
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Srila Prabhupada's Letters
- Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: FoodPress : Today Specials!
- Sri Nandanandana dasa: How We Can See God, By Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa)
- ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Siva Ratri Celebrations this Sunday!
- Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Srila Prabhupada’s Book Distribution Nectar at Ashtaprahar Toronto's 24 hour kirtan
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: DEMIGODS AND POWERS
- Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: What does purification of the heart mean?
- H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: The Pada Yatra Of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
- H.H. Sivarama Swami: Why did Lord Caitanya follow the local customs and traditions that for example, forbade Haridas Thakura from entering the temple
- Japa Group: Chanting Workshop Sambhanda Pt.1
- Akrura das, Gita Coaching: THE FALL OF THE SOUL
- Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: I am amazed!
- ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Urban Yoga: 9 & 10 March
- Gouranga TV: Vrindavan India 24hour kirtan
- Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: A Most Auspicious Ekadasi
- Book Distribution News: A Most Auspicious Ekadasi
- More Recent Articles
- Search Planet ISKCON
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Japa Group: Chanting Workshop Sambhanda Pt.1
This is a very short and interesting section of the Level 3 Japa Workshop by Sacinandana Swami.
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Upcoming Visitor
Here is Kadamba Kanana Maharaja's program during his March2011 visit to Melbourne.
Please note that if you wish to attend the LaTrobe University and Krishna Fest programs it is best to come in non-devotional clothes for it would best suit the audience we cultivate at these venues.
The organisers of those two events aim at cultivating newcomers and inquisitive souls in a casual atmosphere.
As for the rest of the program, you are more than welcome to join us at your convenience; the more, the merrier!• Email to a friend ••
H.G. Sankarshan das Adhikari, USA: Thursday 3 March 2011--There's Nothing Like Krishna Consciousness--and--Why Lord Shiva Smokes Marijuana?
A daily broadcast of the Ultimate Self Realization Course(tm) Thursday 3 March 2011 The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Sri Krishna, and His eternal consort, Srimati Radharani are enjoying transcendental pastimes in the topmost planet of the spiritual world, Sri Goloka Vrindavan. They are beckoning us to rejoin them. Our Mission: To help everyone awaken their original Krishna consciousness, which is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. Such a global awakening will, in one stroke, solve all the problems of the world society bringing in a new era of unprecedented peace and prosperity for all. May that day, which the world so desperately needs, come very soon. We request you to participate in this mission by reviving your dormant Krishna consciousness and assisting us in spreading this science all over the world. Dedicated with love to ISKCON Founder-Acharya: His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, our beloved spiritual master, and to you, our dear readers. Today's Thought: There's Nothing Like Krishna Consciousness Uploaded from Bhaktivedanta Ashram--Austin, Texas USA There's nothing like Krishna consciousness throughout the three worlds. Indeed, it is unsurpassable with no rival throughout the entirety of existence. It is the quintessence of sweetness, the epitome of knowledge, as well as the topmost perfection of love. And most wonderfully, it is readily available right now for all those who ardently desire it. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Answers According to the Vedic Version: Question: Why Lord Shiva Smokes Marijuana? My dear Gurudeva, I beg to clarify a doubt. A Muslim friend of mine argued that Lord Shiva is considered as the greatest Vaishnava, but yet he contradicts Vaishnava principles by smoking marijuana. Why does Lord Shiva smoke marijuana, even though he is considered to be the greatest Vaishnava? Surender K. Answer: He Can Smoke It, While We Cannot. Just as the sun is so powerful it can extract water from urine without being polluted, Lord Shiva is so powerful that he can swallow an ocean of poison without being harmed. Similarly, he can smoke marijuana without losing his stature as the greatest of Vaishnavas. Those who want to smoke marijuana, justifying this by Shiva's smoking it, will first have to prove their prowess by drinking an ocean of poison without being harmed. I have not read anywhere where our acharyas have explained why he smokes marijuana. To know why he smokes it is not very important. The important thing to know is that he can smoke it, while we cannot. Sankarshan Das Adhikari Lord Shiva Drinks an Ocean of Poison http://www.backtohome.com/images/shiva_drinks_poison.jpg Transcendental Resources: Receive the Special Blessings of Krishna Now you too can render the greatest service to the suffering humanity and attract the all-auspicious blessings of Lord Sri Krishna upon yourself and your family by assisting our mission. Lectures and Kirtans in Audio and Video: Link to High Definition Videos Link to Over 1,000 Lecture Audios Lecture-Travel Schedule for 2011 http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/schedule Have Questions or Need Further Guidance? Check out the resources at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com or write Sankarshan Das Adhikari at: sda@backtohome.com Get your copy today of the world's greatest self-realization guide book, Bhagavad-gita As It Is available at: http://www.ultimateselfrealization.com/store Know someone who could benefit from this? Forward it to them. Searchable archives of all of course material: http://www.sda-archives.com Receive Thought for the Day as an RSS feed: http://www.backtohome.com/rss.htm Unsubscribe or change your email address Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Daily_Thought Copyright 2005-2011 by Ultimate Self Realization.Com Distribution of this material is encouraged. Simply we request you to acknowledge where it is coming from with a link to our sign up page: http://www.backtohome.com Our records indicate that at requested to be enrolled to receive e-mails from the Ultimate Self Realization Course at: This request was made on: From the following IP address:
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Malati dd, USA: Mexican Horchata
The hubby was so fascinated with this exotic refreshment while we we’re having one of our bon-a-petite dinner in one of Tampa’s famous vegan resto. When we got home, he went straight to our pantry and checked if we have the ingredients. A few minutes later, he started boiling,blanching, and working out the blender. The next day, he continued with his gastric driven enchantment, and viola! His very first home made horchata is ready to satisfy his quench, and of course, I was enjoying it too
Summer is coming, and I bet you’ll gonna love this Mexican delight.
For the recipe and procedures, we got it from gourmetsleuth.com.Ingredients:6 tablespoons rice
6 ounces (about 1 1/4 cups) blanched almonds
1 inch cinnamon stick (canella)
3 “2-inch” strips of lime zest (rind only, not the white pithy part) 3/4″ long
1 cup white granulated sugar
Procedure:Pulverize the rice using a metate y mano or your blender. Grind the mixture as smooth as possible. Combine the rice with the almonds, cinnamon and lime zest. Stir in 2 1/4 cups hot tap water then cover and let the mixture stand overnight (minimally 6 hours).Place the mixture in the blender jar and blend for at least 3 – 5 minutes until the mixture is smooth and no long has a gritty texture. Add 2 cups of water and blend again for just a few seconds. Place a large sieve over a mixing bowl. Line the sieve with 3 layers of damp cheesecloth. Pour in the rice mixture, a little at a time and keep stirring to help the mixture go through the sieve. Once all the liquid has passed through to the bowl gather the cloth together at the top, give it a twist and squeeze out any additional liquid.
Now add 2 more cups of water and stir in as much sugar as you’d like, to taste. If the mixture is too thick, add some additional water.
Cover and refrigerate. The drink should keep several days, refrigerated.
Serve in a tall glass over ice.• Email to a friend ••
Mayapur Online: Report from the GBC Strategic Planning Meeting Part One
The Strategic Planning portion of the GBC’s 2011 Annual General Meeting has just ended. The four-day meeting was well attended by the full GBC, many GBC deputies, and about forty devotees from around the world. During my own attendance as a member of the Strategic Planning Team facilitating the meeting, I moved between the various committees, initiatives, and breakout sessions and was left with an overwhelming impression of synergy.
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Mayapur Online: Srimad Bhagavatam Class- Live from Mayapur
Date: February 26th, 2011
Topic :Dhruva Maharaja Goes Back To Godhead[SB 3.18.2]
Speaker: HG Harivilas Prabhuvijnaya tav uttamagaya-kinkarav
abhyutthitah sadhvasa-vismrta-kramah
nanama namani grnan madhudvisah parsat-pradhanav iti samhatanjalih• Email to a friend ••
Australian News: Another Exciting Week… at Hare krishna Valley
Some friends of ours from Melbourne, Renee and Shannen, came down to Hare Krishna Valley for 3 days to help out around the farm. They helped us pick zucchinis, and plant a couple of rows of eggplants and capsicums. They enjoyed their time in the great outdoors, and promised to return soon. Hare Krishna Valley is becoming a popular destination for people who want to get out of the city and to return to a simple way of life.
On Friday night, our Geelong home programme was hosted by Simone and Janette from Ocean Grove. We went to their place in the early afternoon, and went Boogie Boarding at the beach which is only 200 metres from their house. Then we came back and enjoyed a lively kirtana, spiritual discussion and a wonderful feast of Krishna Prasada.
We look forward to speaking to you again next week.
Until then, I remain yours in the service of Srila Prabhupada.Keshava Dasa.
Read more about Hare Krishna Valley when you click here
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Australian News: Different Forms of Kirtan: Sri Prahlada
The power of kirtan is not only being increasingly recognised and embraced in the yoga community, but practitioners of other religious traditions are embracing it as well; creating new kirtan forms. What are some of these forms of kirtan and how is a kirtan practitioner to respond to them?
Within the Jewish tradition, we have the Kirtan Rabbi. He sings Hebrew Kirtan, which involves a weaving of traditional Jewish liturgy and musical modes with the call-and-response kirtan format as well as kirtan instrumentation. Kirtan Rabbai’s Hebrew kirtan uses the traditional call-and-response form – but utilises traditional Jewish modes of notation drawn from both European and Eastern sources.
Then there is Christian Kirtan, which is engaged in some churches to celebrate the service of Holy Communion. One way this practice differs from Hebrew kirtan is that it involves not only using the call-and-response format and instrumentation of kirtan, but also singing in Sanskrit. This is, Sanskrit versions of Christian prayers or Christian versions of Sanskrit prayers such as Jaya Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ (glory to Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ).
To read the rest and to find more kirtan articles, music samples & downloads, event news, and short films and other kirtan resources visit http://www.sriprahlada.com and become a member of Sri Prahlada’s Kirtan Community for FREE. Aside from instant access to a lot of fantastic kirtan resources, you will also receive Sri Prahlada’s biweekly e-newsletter with news, realizations, and experiences with kirtan.
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Malati dd, USA: ISKCON Philippines Febuary 2011 Newsletter
My god brother Sridam and his good wife Manjula ( who happens to be one of my bff
) just sent to me the ISKCON Philippines February 2011 newsletter, and I would like to share it to everyone, especially to those who haven’t received the newsletter yet. Below is the said newsletter, and if you want to download it, just click this link: February Newsletter
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Australian News: ISKSON Canberra: What’s on and when! (Includes Madhava)
His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami
His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami in Canberra
Gaura Purnima Festival 2011 – 20th March (Sunday)
Special Guest: His Grace Viraj Krsna das
Program Outline
5.00 pm – Abhisekam & Chanting
6.00 pm – Bhajan & Reading7.00 pm – Sunday School Presentation
7.30 pm – Tulasi Arati & Kirtan
7.45 pm – Gaura Arati & Kirtan
8.05 pm – Lord Narasimha Prayer
8.15 pm – Gifts & Thanks
8.20 pm – Feast PrasadamMadhava’s Heart & Soul Kirtan Program at InSync Institute – 25th March (Friday)
Program Outline
7.00 pm – 9.00 pm – Kirtan
9.00 pm – Light refreshmentEntry by ticket only ($25)
Fwd: KKS poster for website
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Ved Guptato:
Ved Gupta
28/02/2011 10:40 AM
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From: Ved Gupta <ved.gupta@gmail.com>To: Ved Gupta <ved.gupta@abs.gov.au>
Click here to stay up to date with the ISKCON Canberra web site• Email to a friend ••
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Daily Class - Gangesvara Prabhu
Srimad Bhagavatam 12.1.10-12 - The wisdom of Canakya Pandita. The educated man sees another's wife as his mother and another's property as untouchable garbage, and he sees all others as equal to himself (Matrvat para-daresu para-dravyesu lostravat...)
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Australian News: Guess who’s coming to Brisbane
Brisbane Temple will be hosting H.H. B.V. Madhava Swami, H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami and H.H. Bhanu Swami during the month of March:
Srimad Bhagavatam Class start at 7.30am
Class by H.H. B.V. Madhava Swami on Sat 5th, Sun 6th and Mon 7th of March
Class by H.H. Kadamba Kanana Swami on Mon14th, Tue 15th , Wed 16th and Thu 17th of March
Class by H.H. Bhanu Swami on Sun 27th, Mon 28th, Tue 29th and Wed 30th of MarchClick here to go to the temple web site for more details
don’t forget to follow this link• Email to a friend ••
David Haslam, UK: Launch of Celebrating RE (video’s)
Today was the official launch of Celebrating RE here in Wales, although the UK launch was yesterday here in Wales it was St David’s day so today was the start of a month long celebration of Religious Education. So the setting was Stanwell School in Penarth and it was nice to be invited not only [...]
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Australian News: Sri-Sri Radha-Damodara Vilasa (The Inner life of Vishnujana Swami & Jayananda Prabhu)
Radha-Damodar Vilasa Vol. I & II by Vaiyasaki Das – Story of the fulfillment of the ancient prophesy that Kirtan would be spread world wide from India to the West and then back to the East. The story is revealed through the eyes of Vishnujana Swami and Jayananda Prabhu, two American devotees who embraced the culture of Kirtan and helped to spread Mantra Meditation throughout the United States.
Radha-Damodara Vilasa is a sankirtan adventure saga tracing the history of the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy–to bring the Holy Names of God to every town, village and city street throughout the world.
In the early days of the Hare Krishna Movement in America, Sri Sri Radha-Damodara were the first Deities that most people ever saw. This was because Radha-Damodara did not remain confined to a temple building. Instead, since Their temple happened to be a bus, They were constantly on the move.
The ups and downs of life on the road were not only experienced by the devotees, but Sri Sri Radha-Damodara compassionately encountered these hardships as well, just as the Lord in the heart witnesses the trials and tribulations of every living being. It is stated that Lord Chaitanya is the combined form of Radha and Krishna. In this way, Lord Chaitanya, by His inconceivable potency, came to fulfill His own prophecy.
The main theme of the story portrays the advent and unparalleled pastimes of Sri Sri Radha-Damodara with Their devotees as They gradually reveal a plan to fulfill the mission of Lord Chaitanya. The supporting theme of our story describes how the surrendered souls disburse the Lord’s mercy and inspire others to participate, thus facilitating the conditioned souls’ exit from the material world.
The readers of Radha-Damodara Vilasa relive this sankirtan mood through the lives of three of Prabhupada’s most influential disciples. Jayananda Prabhu, Vishnujana Swami and Tamal Krishna Goswami had joined the San Francisco Radha Krishna temple within the first year of its opening in the mid ’60s. Together they helped establish Lord Chaitanya’s mission in California while inaugurating the first traveling sankirtan party in the Western world.
Attracted by Srila Prabhupada’s purity and love for Krishna, young people from all walks of life embraced his teachings and took to the path of self-realization. As he gradually introduced deeper truths of bhakti-yoga, Prabhupada imbued his disciples with greater spiritual fervor, empowering them to travel the globe to spread the glories of the Holy Name, and to establish temples along the way.
Click here to read all about it at www.kirtan.org the web site of Vaiyasaki Dasa• Email to a friend ••
Australian News: MADHAVA ON VIDEO – See it here
Madhava is on tour in Australia right now Click here to check out the tour dates at www.kirtanaustralia.com and get them in your diary, you won’t regret it.
Click here to check out the tour dates at www.kirtanaustralia.com
Click here to check out the tour dates at www.kirtanaustralia.com n
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ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Today's Darsana
Srimati Radharani looks absolutely breath-taking next to Her Ballabha.
As is the custom when Gokula Rani Mataji dresses Her, Sri Radha has a sparkling flower ring mounted on Her delicate finger and a matching bracelet encircling Her fine wrist.
A shiny nose ring enhances Her elegant facial expression and Her jeweled crown compliments Her exquisite forehead.
Here's the darsana of Sri Vrindavaneshwari: the Queen of Vrindavana and of our hearts.• Email to a friend ••
Australian News: Madhava – Down Under- don’t miss this
A native of Mauritius, Madhava was given his first drum at the age of 5. At 18, he moved to Vrindavan, a place of pilgrimage in India where kirtan has been practised continuously for centuries. He spent the next seven years living in an ashram, doing kirtan daily with the Krishna Balarama 24 Hour Kirtan Mandali, under the direction of legendary 24-hour kirtan leader, Aindra Dasa.
Melbourne, 8pm Saturday March 5th:
Yoga in Daily Life
1st Floor, 8 Corsair Street
Richmond, VIC 3121
http://www.yogaindailylife.org.auPerth, March 7th-9th:
Venue to be confirmed
Melbourne, 6pm Thursday March 10th :
Urban Yoga
Level 3, 123 Swanston Walk
Melbourne, Vic 3000
http://www.urbanyoga.com.au/Melbourne, Friday March 11th :
Shiva Ashram
27 Tower Road, Mount Eliza
Victoria 3930 Australia
(Melway Reference 105 D7)
ph: + 61 3 9775 2568
fax: + 61 3 9775 2591
email : askus@shivayoga.org
www.shivayoga.orgMelbourne, Saturday March 12th :
Melbourne Mahaprabhu Mandir
197 Danks Street
Albert Park, Victoria, 3206
+61 (03) 9699-5122
Fax — +61 (03) 9690-4093
http://www.iskcon.net.au/Melbourne, 6pm Saturday March 12th :
Gertrude St Yoga and Healing Centre
202 Gertrude Street level 1+2
Fitzroy Vic 3065
Ph: (03) 9417 7266
Email: gertrudestreetyoga@gmail.com
http://www.gertrudestreetyoga.com.au/Gold Coast, Sunday March 13th :
Venue: to be confirmed
Byron Bay, 7pm Monday March 14th
Tickets $20 at the door or $15 pre-purchase here:
Temple Byron
46 Melalueca Drive
Byron Bay
NSW 2481Gold Coast, Wednesday March 16th :
Bhakti Centre
Suite 1c, Trust House
3070 Gold Coast Highway
Surfers Paradise QLD 4217
ph 07 55383788 (Govinda’s Veg-O-Rama
www.bhakticentregoldcoast.com.auBrisbane, 7pm Friday March 18th :
Atma Yoga
Level 1, 99 Elizabeth St.
Brisbane City
QLD 4000
ph 0450738971
www.atmayoga.com.auBrisbane, Saturday March 19th, :
Kirtan Workshop
More soon…..
Murwillumbah, Sunday March 20th :
New Govardhana
525 Tyalgum Rd
+61 2 6672 6579
www.krishnafarm.comMurwillumbah, Monday March 21th :
New Govardhana
525 Tyalgum Rd
+61 2 6672 6579
www.krishnafarm.comCanberra, Friday March 25th :
Level 1
Griffith Shopping Centre
14 Barker Street
ph: +61 2 6260 6666
fax: +61 2 6232 6920
www.insync.com.auSydney, Saturday March 26th :
Sri Sri Radha-Gopinatha Mandir
180 Falcon st
Nth Sydney
NSW 2060
ph: 9959 4558
fax: 95571893
www.iskcon.com.auSydney, Sunday March 27th :
Sri Sri Radha-Gopinatha Mandir
180 Falcon st
Nth Sydney
NSW 2060
ph: 9959 4558
fax: 95571893
www.iskcon.com.auSydney, Wednesday March 30th :
5:45 – 7:00pm – Vegetarian dinner at Govindas Restaurant
7:00 – 8:30pm – concert
Cost is $29:00 inclusive of the dinner ($15 for concert only)
Lotus Room
112 Darlinghurst Rd
NSW 2010
Enquiries ph: Tony – 0425333086
www.govindas.com.auSydney, 7pm Thursday March 31st :
Tickets $20 at the door
Shyam Yoga
Cronulla Central
Hall 1-New Library Building
contact Sandra : 0418960814
www.shyam.com.auSydney, Friday April 1st :
Harmony Centre
To be confirmed…Sydney, 6-30pm, Saturday April 2nd :
Cost: Pre paid $25 by 28th March Full fee: $30
Bookings: (02)9977 4725
info@manlyyoga.com.auManly Village Public School
Darley Road,
Manly NSW 2095
http://www.manlyyoga.com.au/_blog/Kirtan_EventsSydney, Sunday April 3rd :
Sri Sri Radha-Gopinatha Mandir
180 Falcon st
Nth Sydney
NSW 2060
ph: 9959 4558
fax: 95571893
www.iskcon.com.auClick here to visit www.kirtanaustralia.com to keep up to date with tour details
More details to come regarding special events and kirtan workshop
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H.H. Satsvarupa das Goswami (Ret.): 237
A Writer of Pieces
[New format—I will begin with a poem written on the day of its printing. Then I will print random excerpts of books I have printed over the last 30 years. I hope this variety will be pleasing.]
Poem for March 2
All alone in my room
I count my rounds
all sixteen are done.
Sound of a breeze outdoors.
Couldn’t hear “Krishna” so well
for a mental block and
sleepiness. Now to turn to writing
finding Krishna
you search for a theme.God of gods in my room
I pray to You
for subjects of writing
and not random lines.
Pray to write about your
life in ISKCON episodes,
the endurance and taste
to do it for the
rest of my life, ten years
of it remembering
characters, pratfalls,
as much sin as you
dare to tell and little triumphs,
Prabhupada writing to you
that you are doing well,
and you swell with
wholesome pride,
your master says you are good
what could be better that?This day is won.
I pray to stay on course
and find something to say
and give the
life story as it
occurs to you
and in diary form too
and history,
I want it
and can have it
if I try
and He guides me.• Email to a friend ••
H.H. Sivarama Swami
The best service is to chant Hare Krishna always and spread it to every town and village.
- Srila Prabhupada
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Japa Group: Chanting Workshop Sambhanda Pt.2
Maharaja continues with this fascinating aspect of chanting.
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Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Tipster : How To Cook With A Baby
flying tofu!
So you think you can cook, eh?
How about cooking with only one burner?Really.
Okay. How about no running water?
How about with a baby?
Yes. There are many obstacles that get in our way when cooking. Running out of salt mid-recipe. Forgot to pay the gas bill. Etcetera. However, no obstacle is as vocal as a little baby. Sure, kids get underfoot and are prone to whining, but if you are cooking something they are interested in slobbering on, they will probably let you get the job done. Babies just don’t care what you are cooking. Dinner? You’re making it. In your breasts.
But to keep that breast milk nice and fortified, mama’s got to eat, too. So here are my tips how to git ‘er done!
*Ideally it is best to cook without baby. The majority of babies showing up in the ER are there due to kitchen related accidents. Therefore, I present this list with the disclaimer that it is not meant to take the place of your own common sense & better judgement.
if baby is crying, wear your baby a backpack is preferred to a front carrier keep babies body turned away from the stove always keep one hand on baby mind baby’s hands, especially if baby is at grabby age talk to your baby about what you are doing when dumping a pot of water or taking stuff out of hot oven, put baby down and tolerate baby cryingWhat are your tips for getting a home cooked meal on the table with baby in tow?
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Bharatavarsa.net: Bhakti Vikasa Swami: Siva Considers Himself a Servant of Krsna
(For Sivaratri)
Rudra, who is an expansion of Sadasiva and who appears in unlimited universes, is also a gunavatara [qualitative incarnation] and is the ornament of all the demigods in the endless universes.
He also desires only to be a servant of Lord Krsna. Sri Sadasiva always says, "I am a servant of Lord Krsna."
Intoxicated by ecstatic love for Lord Krsna, he becomes overwhelmed and incessantly dances without clothing and sings about Lord Krsna's qualities and pastimes.
Cc Adi 6.79-81
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The Loft, Auckland, NZ: Calling All Adventurers!
We have a NEW yoga class with a new (…well new to the Loft) teacher starting this Thursday!!! Muni’s yoga class in the big yoga room will continue as usual and Christian will be teaching an advanced Hath yoga class in the small room. OPEN ADVENTURE Our “advanced” program is challenging… yet Christian wishes the [...]
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Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1969 March 2: "These are all simply cheating formulas. It is simply for solving the problem of bread, it is not true religion as described by Srimad-Bhagavatam. Our Krishna Consciousness movement does not belong to any such cheating process."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1969• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1969 March 2: "The argument that this evidence will lead many people to accept the philosophy of Lord Caitanya has no evidence. We should train our disciples in such a spirit that even if the whole world is against us, the Sankirtana Movement will be pushed on without any reference to scientific advancement of knowledge."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1969• Email to a friend ••
Kurma dasa, AU: Does Flying Give You Cancer?
Flight risk: how much radiation do planes expose you to? Sydney Morning Herald, March 2, 2011
"How much radiation do pilots, flight attendants and passengers receive per flight?
For the vast majority of people, even frequent fliers, it's not enough to create any health risks, experts say. Yet for some, notably those predisposed to cancer, even the tiny amount seeping into an airline cabin could spell trouble.
It's enough of a concern that some pilots take precautions to minimise their exposure. "This is just another risk we encounter every day while we're flying," said Mike Holland, of the Allied Pilots Association, which represents American Airline pilots.
Mostly, planes are infiltrated by cosmic radiation, stemming from exploding stars outside the solar system. They also are zapped with solar radiation, particularly when the surface of the sun flares up. Airline fuselages do not protect against either.
Overall, however, the amount "is really inconsequential," said Dr Edward Dauer, director of radiology at Florida Medical Center in Fort Lauderdale, adding that medical CT scans result in a much higher dose.
He said laptops and mobile phones don't increase exposure because they work on electro-magnetic energy. On the other hand, much depends on the total amount of radiation a person has been subjected to, as its effects are cumulative, said Dauer, who is also a research associate professor of biomedical engineering and radiology at the University of Miami.
"Even one X-ray, by itself, has the potential to cause a cancer," he said. "The more exposures you have, the more chance you have of developing a problem." assengers are most exposed on long-haul flights at more northerly latitudes. That is because the Earth's atmosphere is thickest over the equator and thinnest over the poles.
During a seven-hour flight from New York to London, travellers receive about the same dose of radiation as a chest X-ray; from New York to Tokyo, two chest X-rays.
As for the body-imaging scanners at security checkpoints: studies have found their low level of radiation is extremely safe, even for pregnant women and children. Radiation is energy transmitted in the form of rays, waves or particles, commonly produced by cosmic particles, the sun and man-made devices, such as X-ray machines and nuclear reactors.
The amount people absorb is commonly measured in millisieverts, reflecting extremely small levels. US residents on average receive about 3 three millisieverts per year from natural sources, such as the ground and the sun. A chest X-ray generally emits up to 0.06 millisieverts.
The main risks of too much radiation: Cancer, passing on genetic defects to future generations and damage to the fetuses of pregnant women. But the radiation seeping into airliners is far from dangerous, experts say.
According to the Health Physics Society, a scientific organisation that specialises in radiation safety, a traveller would have to spend more than 5000 hours per year on an airliner, or five times as many hours as pilots are allowed to fly, before they would be endangered.
The average passenger is exposed to about 0.01 millisieverts per year. A 14-hour trip from New York to Tokyo produces about 0.1 millisieverts, less than a quarter of the radiation needed for a mammogram.
There are limits to how much radiation a person should receive - whether in the air or in their everyday lives. The Health Physics Society recommends no more than 50 millisieverts in one year or no more than 100 millisieverts over a lifetime from natural sources of radiation.
For frequent fliers, pilots and flight attendants, the overall risk is "almost nonexistent," even if they fly for 30 years, the Health Physics Society said.
Mike Holland, of the Allied Pilots Association, said "various studies" show that as a group, pilots have a higher rate of cancer than the general population. Yet he can't confirm that's a result of radiation exposure.
For that reason, he urges pilots who might be sensitive to radiation to request flying shorter hops, which have less exposure. He also recommends they fly at lower altitudes when possible. The reason: Airliners are most exposed to radiation at higher altitudes, where the atmosphere is thinner.
Citing their level of exposure, pilots argued they should be allowed to bypass the body-imaging scanners at checkpoints. In November, the TSA acquiesced, requiring pilots pass a background check and verify their employment status instead.
"You're looking at the cumulative effects over a 30-year career. That's a lot of radiation while flying," said Captain Sam Mayer, an American Airlines captain based in Miami."
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Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1969 March 2: "Change in religious faith does not make one advanced in spiritual understanding. If we turn our attention to fit with other religious sects, how will that help anybody? We have nothing to do with compromising with Christians or Buddhists. Our principle should be to preach Krishna Consciousness as it is."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1969• Email to a friend ••
Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: Recipe : Vegan Vegetable Barley Soup
This is my go to dinner soup for the childrens when I am in a rush…or flat out of ideas. Or sick of them eating pasta with nutritional yeast night after night. This recipe boasts as many fresh vegetables as you want to throw at it. Plus beans…good for your heart! And barley. Couldn’t have barley soup without barley, could we?
No. We could not.
You can do fancy things, like saute your mirepoix (okay, it’s not that fancy). Or, you can follow my recipe and just get it over with. The soup will taste highly edible. Seriously. Kids eat it.
1 carrot, diced 1 stalk of celery, diced 1 potato, diced 1/2 cup pearl barley (or 1/4 c pearl barley & 1/4 tiny pasta like ditalini or alphabets) 1/2 block of tofu, cubed 1 cup of cooked beans (chickpeas, red beans, black beans) 1/2 cup crushed tomatoes 1-2 cups veggies (green beans / spinach / cauliflower / etc) 3/4 tspn yellow hing (optional) 1/4 tspn ground black pepper 3/4 Tbspn salt 1/2 tspn Italian seasoning 3/4 tspn mustard powder 8 cups water 2 tspn olive oil (optional)Directions
Combine all ingredients, save for the 1 to 2 cups cut veggies and bring to a boil, covered, for 20 minutes. Remove cover, add vegetables and simmer for 15-20 minutes, allowing soup to reduce and barley to cook. Serve hot.Variations
substitute tempeh or seitan for tofu go crazy with that mirepoix! use rice instead of pasta use leftover pizza sauce in place of crushed tomatoes use leftover pasta or rice. throw in at end of cooking add a couple of tablespoons of nutritional yeast for body• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1966 March 2: "In every step of his life the Spiritual Master guides. To take such guidance means the Spiritual Master should also be a very perfect man. Otherwise, how can he guide? It is not a formality. It is a great responsibility both for the disciple and for the Spiritual Master."
Prabhupada Lecture :: 1966• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1969 March 2: "Apart from this killing process within the embryo, there is also killing process in the slaughterhouse. If we want to criticize it will simply increase our enemies. Better let us try to invoke the dormant transcendental emotion by chanting and dancing."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1969• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1970 March 2: "Krsna Consciousness means full cooperation with Krsna. To love Krsna means to love Him along with all His Name, His fame, His qualities, His entourage, His abode, His devotees, etc."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1970 March 2: "It is said the Goswamis were very much advanced having conquered over eating, sleeping, and mating. I am very glad that you are gradually coming to that stage. Try to realize it yourself and teach the method to all your younger brothers and sisters."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970• Email to a friend ••
Srila Prabhupada's Letters
1970 March 2: "A devotee of Lord Jesus Christ is one who is strictly following the ten commandments. Similarly Lord Buddha also emphasized ahimsa paramadharma. So these instructions are for the sinful men. Thus devotees of Lord Jesus Christ, they can go to heaven, a planet in the material world, that is all."
Prabhupada Letters :: 1970• Email to a friend ••
Devadeva Mirel, Alachua, USA: FoodPress : Today Specials!
The English Rose Vegan Lemon Cupcakes post has been very popular and today I see that it appears in the Foodpress Specials section. Check it out! Now I need to get into the kitchen and check my muffins….
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Sri Nandanandana dasa: How We Can See God, By Stephen Knapp (Sri Nandanandana dasa)
First of all when it comes to trying to see God, if we expect to see God with our material senses, we need to first understand the limitations of the senses we have. We often need glasses merely to see clearly, and we also need enough light to do so. If it is too dark, or if there is no light with which to see, we can hardly make out what is right in front of us. So it is fair enough to say that we will never see that which is spiritual with these dull material senses.
However, even when it comes to researching the smallest elements like the atoms, and then defining parts of them like neutrons, protons, etc., do the scientists actually see every molecule that they discuss, even with super powerful microscopes? Sometimes not. In some cases, they only see the evidence that such particles exist, but do not directly see the particle itself. Similarly, even if we cannot see God directly with our material senses, we can still look around and see the evidence for God’s existence. But to do that, we also need to have the right knowledge.
For example, even a person with a little common sense can understand that there must be a source of everything, a point of origin, or what some call an Absolute Truth, the underlying basis or foundation for everything. And that something can be called God. That is why in some circles people ask, What is not God? And in that respect, we can perceive that everything is a part of God, or everything is but a display of God’s energy, including ourselves. Then we begin to see or feel the presence of God all around us.
However, in the Vedic sources of knowledge, such as the Bhagavad-gita, we find wherein Lord Krishna Himself begins to instruct Arjuna how to recognize Him in so many things. By meditating on and understanding this knowledge, we can begin to more closely recognize the evidence for God all around us, especially in all great and powerful things.
In Bhagavad-gita (7.4-11) Lord Krishna explains, “Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence, and false ego—altogether these eight comprise My separated material energies. Besides this inferior nature, O mighty-armed Arjuna, there is a superior energy of Mine, which are all living entities who are struggling with material nature and are sustaining the universe. Of all that is material and all that is spiritual in this world, know for certain that I am both its origin and dissolution. O conqueror of wealth [Arjuna], there is no Truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me as pearls are strung on a thread.
“O son of Kunti [Arjuna], I am the taste in fresh water, the light of the sun and the moon, the syllable Om in the Vedic mantras; I am the sound in ether and ability in man. I am the original fragrance of the earth, and I am the heat in fire. I am the life of all that lives, and I am the penances [which brings one closer to God] of all ascetics. O son of Pritha, know that I am the original seed of all existences, the intelligence of the intelligent, and the prowess of all powerful men. I am the strength of the strong, devoid of passion and desire.”
Another aspect of this description in Bhagavad-gita is to recognize how God Himself descends into this material realm to reveal Himself through His divine instructions, pastimes, personality, and to show us His form. And even if He is not in front of us personally, we can learn about Him and see Him through the descriptions of the Vedic shastra. Thus, even though we may not be able to see Him with our material senses, He can indeed reveal Himself and make Himself visible to us through such means. However, we also need to become qualified to do that, which we will discuss shortly.
In another aspect of seeing God is that found in the descriptions that many of you have no doubt heard about in near-death-experiences. Often it is described that in such an experience someone may be going down a tunnel, sometimes greeted by past relatives, until they finally approach a fantastic light, a being of unconditional love and acceptance. They often do not exactly see the form of this being, since it is engulfed in light, but they accept the being to be the object of their faith or religion, such as Jesus, or Buddha, or Krishna, or someone similar.
When our own level of consciousness is lower than the higher beings that we may encounter, as in a near-death-experience, we may often see them and the frequency in which they exist as merely white light. In other words, we have not elevated our own consciousness to the frequency of that level of existence to be able to perceive and discern all the details therein. Thus, we perceive such entities as either beings of light, or engulfed in effulgence.
A similar experience is described in the Shri Ishopanishad in mantras 15 and 16, where it says: “O my Lord, sustainer of all that lives, Your real face is covered by Your dazzling effulgence. Please remove that covering and exhibit Yourself to Your pure devotee. O my Lord, O primeval philosopher, maintainer of the universe, O regulating principle, destination of the pure devotees, well-wisher of the progenitors of mankind—please remove the effulgence of Your transcendental rays so that I can see Your form of bliss. You are the eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead, like unto the sun, as am I.”
In this way, we have to raise ourselves to the same refined frequency or energy level as God in our endeavor to perceive Him directly, beyond the dazzling effulgence. Also, the last statement in the above paragraph means that as the sunshine is basically of the same quality in essence as the sun, and an expansion of it, so we are also the same spiritual quality as God. We are not as powerful as God, but we are of the same essential quality. Thus, seeing God is not unexpected, but we simply have to regain that same spiritual quality in our consciousness to acquire the ability to perceive God directly. And all that really means is to reduce the power of the material energy’s influence on ourselves through our spiritual practice.
One more example I would like to use is the radio and television waves that carry the signals of so many stations, whether it be news, music, entertainment, or other forms of communication that are all around us all the time. However, if I do not know about them, or do not think they exist, then how can you convince me that they are real? After all, you cannot see them, taste them, smell them, or feel them. So how can you convince someone that they are real?
The answer is that you have to have a good receiver. Then anyone will see that such waves are all around us, but they mean nothing unless you have a good receiver. Then you realize that throughout the frequency range in which these waves travel, there are so many such waves, and that they are extremely useful, with numerous things that can be done with them. You can even broadcast your own radio waves simply by your cell phone, or use your GPS system, etc. Then they become such a common part of our everyday lives that we no longer even think about them. So if someone says that radio and television waves are not real, or that he does not believe in them, what would you think of him? Obviously, this guy has no knowledge, has no experience, he is not in touch with reality, which means he must have been living under a rock, in a closet, or way out in the wilderness all of his life. You would think he is too weird.
Similarly, if someone has no knowledge of God, and says he does not believe in God, what would you think? Pretty much the same thing, that he is merely out of touch with the proper knowledge that would help make someone understand how to recognize God.
Therefore, another way to perceive God is through the instructions and knowledge as given by a spiritual master, or a person who is a good receiver of the transcendental vibration that exists all around us. Thus, he can receive or perceive it, and then also broadcasts the spiritual knowledge through his instructions that will allow us to understand it, at least to those who will listen. This is how we learn, through such personal instructions or through books that are written by such pure receptors of the spiritual vibrations.
It is also through this means that we can train ourselves to be such receivers of spiritual vibrations or frequencies if we want to. We have to learn it from others to be able to do it ourselves. It is through the spiritual practices, as provided by those spiritual teachers who are already successful, and through the information and instructions given in the Vedic texts, that will also enable us to elevate our consciousness, and the vibrational frequency in which we operate. Then we can also see that which exists in those higher dimensions or spiritual realms.
Therefore, unlike those religions that depend mostly on faith, the Vedic or Dharmic system is that a person follows the path to spiritualize their consciousness to the point where the spiritual dimension becomes perceptible, and then one can begin to enter into that dimension and function on that level. The point is that our consciousness is where we live. We may keep our body in a house, or in particular clothes, and so on, but it is our consciousness that is the vibrational frequency in which we live and send out to others. And as we raise that frequency, we will be able to see that which exists on those higher frequencies as well. In other words, the more spiritual you become, the more you can perceive that which is spiritual. As you become more spiritual, meaning the more you spiritualize your consciousness, then the more qualified you become to recognize, approach, or even see God in so many ways. And once you begin to have that experience, then there is no further argument about what is or what is not God.
So, would you like to become such a perceiver of the spiritual realm? If you do, then the way we work to uplift and spiritualize our consciousness includes the following: Chanting or singing devotional songs, or the names of God, using mantras for japa meditation, associating with like-minded people, discussing this knowledge and information, especially by going to the temple, eating blessed vegetarian food or Krishna prasada, etc.
We have already explained many of these processes in greater detail as related in my other articles, free Ebooks and paperback books. Some of the articles on my website that can be helpful include:
1. Finding Our Real Spiritual Identity
2. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, What’s so Special About Chanting Hare Krishna?
3. Seeing the Divinity in Everyone
4. Spiritual Enlightenment: What Is It
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ISKCON Toronto, Canada: Siva Ratri Celebrations this Sunday!
This Sunday, March 6th, the Hare Krishna temple will be celebrating Siva Ratri. Lord Siva is described as “the greatest Vaishnava (devotee of Lord Krishna). Siva Ratri literally translates as “the Night of Lord Siva,” as such this Sunday we will honour Lord Siva.
The schedule of the program will be as follows:
6:00pm - Arati
6:30pm - Welcome and Announcements
6:40pm - Class about Lord Siva by HH Bhakti Brhat Bhagavat Swami
7:30pm - Abhisheka (bathing ceremony) and Arati for Lord Siva
8:00pm - Arati
*Please note that the actual date of Siva Ratri is Thursday March 3rd, but festivities will take place at the temple on Sunday.• Email to a friend ••
Subhavilasa das ACBSP, Toronto, CA: Srila Prabhupada’s Book Distribution Nectar at Ashtaprahar Toronto's 24 hour kirtan
So on a recent post we promised some book distribution nectar. Every book that is distributed has a story and some of the stories are yet to be written since the person purchasing the book is not always the person that ends up reading it. So I guess there could be hundreds of individual stories but I have chosen 5 stories to share...2 of distribution to souls in western or “white” bodies, 1 of distribution to a Caribbean soul in a “black” body and 2 of distribution to souls in Indian or “brown” bodies.
[I know, I know, we are not this body...so this breakdown will make sense in the closing commentary].
~ An older Canadian mom with 2 of her daughters in their late teens/early 20’s, just got there and have not even attended the kirtan yet. They are asking question after question which Kishori and I are trying to answer and I am assuming they just might take a book. Assumption wrong...they take 3 big books and thank us at least a dozen times. I assume they are from Toronto and telling them about ISKCON Toronto and Urban Edge Yoga...assumption wrong...they are from Brampton. Icing on the cake...they go in for kirtan and emerge around midnight....they want more! Another few books and they are on their way. Never assume...keep preaching.
~ A young man with tattoos up and down plus some piercings to boot is totally blissed out. It took them 3 hours to get to the kirtan. He was shaking my hand profusely when he came in...just so happy to be there. It was time to go back and his “girl” was pressing him to catch the bus. He wanted to have more of the delicious prasadam. So he asks me for change and separates $6 for the bus. Everything else in his pocket is for Srila Prabhupada’s books! Told him about Urban Edge Yoga and he grabs my hand again...he is so grateful.
~ A Caribbean native in a “black” body looks at the picture of Srila Prabhupada and comes over. He is chatting with Minakshi and tells how he got a “Higher Taste” book back home over 20 years ago and that changed his life. He became vegetarian and started reading Srila Prabhupada’s books and they are still using the Higher Taste cookbook. Minakshi tells him it is time to get another cookbook and so he goes and locates his wife (of the same descent) and she readily agrees to take the hardbound Hare Krishna Vegetarian Cookbook.
~ A older Indian couple is talking to Kishori. After his wife drops $30 he is holding the mantra card and saying the maha mantra out loud. He keeps asking Kishori...is this all we need to do? Does a pandit need to do this for us? We do not need to do Shivji puja on Monday, Hanumanji puja on Tuesday, etc, etc.? This is all we need to do? Turns to his wife and tells her, see this is all we need to do? Ask Kishori again, is this all we need to do? You had to be there...but yes...that is all we need to do in this age of hypocrisy and quarrel....chant Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.
~ From older posts, you will know that one of my pet peeves is when youth are begging their parents for books with vedic knowledge and their affluent Indian parents are refusing to open their wallet. So it is well past 2 pm on Sunday and the kirtan is finished. We are in the process of wrapping up the book table and a young lady in her tweens or teens starts scanning the table, picking one book after another. Ashalata, my mom and Kishori, my wife are helping them but we are all assuming the mom who is scanning the scene will make her put them all down or maybe let her have just one. The mom reviews each of the 4 “big” books she picked critically and asks her daughter...are you going to read them? The daughter anxiously says yes. The mom puts another “big” book on the stack and says there is no better way to spend time and money and we cannot agree more! She walks away with 5 big books a.k.a spiritual treasures.
That is why Srila Prabhupada called it the INTERNATIONAL Society for Krishna Consciousness. Just like all the kirtaniyas that perfomed at the 24 hour kirtan who are from all backgrounds, our preaching ascends caste, creed, age and gender.
Cost of a Krishna Book $15. Laxmi raised $1836. Standing for 2 days...painful. Distribution of Srila Prabhupada’s books...priceless!
Jaya Srila Prabhupada! Param Vijayate Sri Krishna Sankirtanam!• Email to a friend ••
Akrura das, Gita Coaching: DEMIGODS AND POWERS
Different demigods have different powers.
The sun-god has the power to cure diseases; the moon-god imbues plants with taste and nutritional or medicinal potency; Goddess Durga gives strength and courage; Goddess Sarasvati bestows learning; Goddess Laksmi grants wealth; Goddess Candi offers one the opportunity to consume meat and intoxicants, and Ganesa gives success in one's endeavors.
But all these powers are invested in the demigods by the Supreme Lord, and thus only He, the complete whole, can bestow every kind of benediction.
There is an immeasurable difference between a well and the ocean.
- Srila Prabhupada, Renunciation Through Wisdom• Email to a friend ••
Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: What does purification of the heart mean?
I am the king, you are the subject, do you not understand the king is the representative of God? You must die! The King was about to order his death. He was so angry. Jada Bharath just stood there. He was not disturbed or elated by the king's actions. He was simply seeing it as the divine arrangement of Krishna. Finally, King Rahugana said "say something". Then Jada Bharath thought here is an opportunity to preach. He began to speak. My dear King you are thinking that you are the king and I am the servant. But this is all an illusion because in the next birth I may be the king and you may be the servant. Who are you? This is all a great illusion that you are thinking you are the body and you are thinking I am my body. We are not these bodies. This is all a mental concoction. The greatest enemy is our own mind. In fact our mind is our only enemy. Because our mind is constantly accepting (sankalpa) one thing and rejecting (vikapla) another thing on the basis of bodily concept of life for sense gratification. Therefore the purpose of human life is to become purified of the mind's tendency for enjoyment.
In every stage of life, we should be striving and struggling for purification. We should not be concerned with the external appearance of how things work out for us in this world. We should only be concerned with how we are being purified by whatever circumstance comes into our life. Whether there is failure or success, happiness or distress, honor or dishonor, pleasure or pain, a devotee simply sees every situation as an opportunity to become purified. He is not so concerned with how things work out from the sensual perspective. He is only concerned with the purification that takes place from that circumstance and the purification takes place to the extent we accept every opportunity as an opportunity to serve Krishna and serve His devotees.
tat-paratvena nirmalam
hṛṣīkeṇa hṛṣīkeśa-
sevanaḿ bhaktir ucyate
CC Madhya 19.170; BRS 1.1.12; Narada Pancharatra
That the same mind and senses that are now causing us due to mental concoction and attachment so much entanglement the same mind and senses when engaged in Krishna’s service, Hrishikesh's service, becomes the very basis of our purification. Therefore the devotee’s only purpose in life is to engage in the service of the Lord for his purification. A devotee is not concerned what my occupation is and what my occupation is not. What this person thinks about me or what this person does not think about me. A devotee does not think how much money I have and how much money I do not have. A devotee is simply thinking in terms of how I can best purify my life. Without purification even if you are very materially successful in this world, your whole life is wasted. All of your endeavors are simply creating a deeper more miserable condition of bondage. Therefore every stage in every circumstance of life from the time of conception to the time one’s body is put on the fire of cremation the human being should always be striving and struggling to purify his mind and purify his senses and he should have really no other objective in life other than that. And the most sublime and powerful means of purification is always think of Krishna; to always think of Krishna and always do the will of Krishna.
The will of Krishna is coming down through disciplic succession, through the spiritual masters, through the great acharyas. When they speak to us we can understand they are speaking the will of Krishna and we learn to always think of Krishna by acting according to their instructions. Sometimes the great souls tell us so many duties we must perform or they tell us through their representatives they are telling us so many duties we must perform. Understand that by performing these duties properly by both internally and externally we are being trained to always think of Krishna and in this life and in the time of death if we can learn in this proper service attitude to always think of Krishna then we return back home back to godhead. You see unless you have a humble service attitude you cannot always think of Krishna. Thinking of Krishna is simply not based on your ability to control your mind. No!
Krishna says in the Gita
sarvasya cāhaḿ hṛdi sanniviṣṭo
mattaḥ smṛtir jñānam apohanaḿ ca
vedaiś ca sarvair aham eva vedyo
vedānta-kṛd veda-vid eva cāham
BG 15.15
He within the heart is the source of remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. We can only remember Krishna when it is Krishna’s desire to manifest Himself within your mind. It is not by your endeavor and Krishna manifests Himself to the humble devotee who is in the proper service attitude. One may be very scholarly and always be talking about Krishna but if he is proud and does not have a proper service attitude at that time of the greatest need Krishna will not be there. At the time of death when your whole body is full of pain and full of bewilderment and endless distractions all around you and within you it is not possible to think of Krishna unless Krishna reveal to you at that time and Krishna reveals Himself according to the humility of our attitude to serve.
H.H.Radhanath Swami• Email to a friend ••
H.H. Bhakticharu Swami: The Pada Yatra Of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
FOLLOWING IS A LECTURE GIVEN BY HIS HOLINESS BHAKTI CARU SWAMI IN ISKCON CALCUTTA 1986 ON THE PADA YATRA OF SRI CHAITANYA MAHAPRABHU. Sent by Kartik Agrawal Prabhu The word Pada-Yatra literally means to walk on foot. In early India people used to travel by chariot, horseback, elephant, bullock-cart, or palanquin. But saintly persons, having [...]
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H.H. Sivarama Swami: Why did Lord Caitanya follow the local customs and traditions that for example, forbade Haridas Thakura from entering the temple
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Akrura das, Gita Coaching: THE FALL OF THE SOUL
Here Srila Prabhupada explains that we belong in the spiritual world with Krsna but that we have created our fearful condition in the material world just as a person creates a fearful situation in a dream. Responding to our desire, Krsna has given us a chance to forget Him. (April 1972, Tokyo)
sri-suka uvaca
atma-mayam rte rajan parasyanubhavatmanah
na ghatetartha-sambandhah svapna-drastur ivanjasa
"Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: 'O King, unless one is influenced by the bewildering energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there is no meaning to the relationship of the pure soul in pure consciousness with the material body. That relationship is just like a dreamer's seeing his own body working'" (Srimad-Bhagavatam 2.9.1).
Many people inquire, "How did the living entity, who was with Krsna, fall into the material world?" That question is answered here. The fallen living entity's condition is due to the influence of the Lord's material energy. Actually, he has not fallen. An example is given: The moon appears to be moving when clouds pass in front of it. Actually, the moon is not moving. Similarly, the living entity, because he is a spiritual spark of the Supreme, has not fallen. But he is thinking, "I am fallen. I am material. I am this body."
The body has no connection with the soul. We can experience this. The body is changing, dying, but I am the same. The idea that we have a connection with the body is due to the influence of the illusory energy of Krsna. That illusory energy develops when we forget Krsna.
In other words, our illusory identification with the body is simply due to our forgetfulness of the Lord. We wanted to forget; we wanted to give up Krsna and enjoy the material world. Therefore Krsna is giving us the chance. For example, when you play a part in a drama, if you feel, "I am the king," then you can act very nicely. But if you feel, "I am Karandhara*," then you cannot play a king so nicely. The feelings must be there. If you are playing the part of a king, you must believe you are the king and have his courage. You have to forget that you are Karandhara. Then you can play the part very nicely, and the audience will appreciate. But if you think "I am Karandhara playing the part of the king," then you cannot play the part convincingly.
So because we wanted to play the part of Krsna, the supreme enjoyer, Krsna is giving us the chance -- "Yes, feel like Me." The feeling that "I am the master, I am the king, I am Krsna, I am God" is created by Krsna: "All right, since you want to play the part of a king, I shall train you in such a way."
The director of a play tries to create the feelings within you for the part you are playing. In my youth I played the part of Advaita Acarya in a drama about Lord Caitanya. Our director, Amritlal Bose, repeatedly said to me, "Feel like Advaita Acarya." So when I performed my part under his direction, all the people in the audience were crying. The play was artificial, but the effect on the audience was so nice.
Similarly, we have nothing to do with the material world, but we have been trained by the illusory energy to think, "I am an Indian," "I am an American," "I am an intellecutal," "I am a laborer" "I am this," "I am that," "I have to do this," "I have so many duties." These are all illusions. We have nothing to do with all this nonsense, but still we are taking it very seriously: "I have to do like that. I am this. I am that."
That is explained here: atma-mayam rte rajan parasyanubhavatmanah. "Unless one is influenced by the bewildering energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there is no meaning to the relationship of the pure soul in pure consciousness with the material body." While dreaming a man may cry out, "Oh, there is a tiger, a tiger! Save me!" An awake man observing may say, "Where is the tiger? Why are you shouting?" But the dreaming man is actually feeling that a tiger has attacked him.
Therefore this verse gives the example of a dream: na ghatetartha-sambandhah svapna-drastur ivanjasa. There cannot be any meaning of the relationship of the soul and the body except that it is like a dreaming man creating an imaginary situation. He is dreaming that there is a tiger, and he is creating a fearful situation. Actually there is nothing to fear -- there is no tiger. The situation is created by a dream.
Similarly, we have created the material world and material activity. People are running around -- "Oh, I am the manager. I am the factory owner. I am this, I am that. We know his politics. We have to defeat our competitors." All these things are created just as a man creates a situation in a dream -- svapna-drastur ivanjasa.
So when someone asks, "When did we come into contact with the material nature?" the answer is that we have not come into contact. By the influence of the external energy we think we are in contact. Actually we are not fallen. We cannot be fallen. We have simply created a situation in which we think we are fallen. Actually, Krsna has given us that situation. Because we wanted to imitate Him, Krsna has given us an opportunity: "All right, you want to imitate Me? You want to be an imitation king on the stage? So, feel like this. Play like this. Do like this. People will applaud -- 'Oh, what a very nice king.'"
So everyone in the material world is playing some part. "I want to be prime minister." "I want to be a very big business magnate." "I want to be a leader." "I want to be a philosopher." "I want to be a scientist." They are trying to play all these parts, and Krsna is giving the opportunity -- "All right."
But these things are all nonsense. Simply dreaming. When you dream, the next moment the dream is gone, and everything in the dream is finished. No more tiger, no more jungle. Similarly, as long as the body continues one may think, "I am a responsible leader; I am this; I am that," but as soon as the body is finished, these ideas are gone.
Krsna says, mrtyuh sarva-haras caham: [Bg. 10.34] "As death, I take everything away." Just think of your past life. Suppose you were a king or something like that. From the Bhrgu-samhita it was ascertained that I was a big physician in my last life, with a spotless character, no sins. I don't know. It may be. But I have no remembrance that I was a physician. So what do we know? I might have been a very big influential physician with a good practice, but where is it all now? All gone.
So our contact with matter is just like a dream. We are not fallen. Therefore, at any moment we can revive our Krsna consciousness. We become liberated as soon as we understand, "I have nothing to do with matter. I am simply Krsna's eternal servant." Sometimes when a fearful dream becomes intolerable, we break the dream. Similarly, we can break the material connection at any moment as soon as we wake up to Krsna consciousness. "Oh, Krsna is my eternal master. I am His servant." That's all. That is the way.
- From "The Quest Of Enlightenment" by the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust• Email to a friend ••
Ananda Subramanian, Iowa, USA: I am amazed!
I am amazed!!
Ever since I got introduced to Krishna Consciousness sometime back, I have been constantly reading and listening to the pastimes of Srila Prabhupada on this planet. It simply has been wonderful. What is more wonderful, I think, is how much his disciples loved him. The more I read and listen about Prabhupada through his disciples; I am amazed how they could cultivate such immense attachment to the point of unmotivated love towards their spiritual master. Of course, there has been issues during Prabhupada's earthly lila and soon after he left. Still, however, majority if not all loved him so much that they left everything for him. This attachment was not selfish or based on philosophy but purely from one’s heart no matter how contaminated it was. This transformation of heart is an indication of the greatness of Srila Prabhupada. He simply controlled his disciples like a puppet master especially when I read many stories from the books by H.G.Hari Sauri prabhu and others. One thing I clearly understood, his disciples regardless of motivations really had a sincere yearning to please their spiritual master.
Unfortunately, being the miser that I am, I do not have such for my spiritual master who is also able to transform thousands of hearts. How his disciples across the world go to any length to please him. Recently, he made a trip to Sri Rangam with 5000 disciples ready to endeavor difficulty just to be with him. This shows their unalloyed attachment.
I pray to the Almighty Lord to give me some attachment for my spiritual master and Srila Prabhupada.
Hare Krishna• Email to a friend ••
ISKCON Melbourne, AU: Urban Yoga: 9 & 10 March
Next week, the 3rd level of our Crossways Restaurant will be hosting two powerful kirtaniyas two days in a row:
Kadamba Kanana Swami and Madhava Prabhu!
Ain't we so fortunate to be in Melbourne and getting the enlivening association of such great souls who visit frequently?
Make sure you grab as much of that mercy as you can!
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Gouranga TV: Vrindavan India 24hour kirtan
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Bharatavarsa.net: Book distribution seminar: A Most Auspicious Ekadasi
by Gokula Lila Dasi
One late Wednesday afternoon I went to a mall in central Auckland to distribute books. But about a half hour after I arrived the shops began closing, leaving just a few shoppers, the patrolling security guards, and me. Desiring to continue distributing, I went to the new warehouse parking garage near the mall that I'd learned about a few days earlier.
It wasn't so busy, yet I had some sweet exchanges.
Not long after arriving there, I stopped a well-dressed Indian-bodied South African man named Lesley, along with his nice wife. They were both doctors.
It turned out that Lesley was a friend of the head pujari at our local temple and had supplied him with some salagram silas. As we talked, he recalled that the coming Friday was Ekadasi. In fact, it was the special Ekadasi known as Moksada Ekadasi, and it was also Gita Jayanti. Lesley informed me of his plans to fast all day and night on the auspicious day and do a big puja.
As he told me this, a light bulb went off in my head . . .
"Hmmm, Moksada Ekadasi, Gita Jayanti. It would be a great day to purchase a full set of Prabhupada's books!"
I asked him if he had a Bhagavatam set, which he didn't, but unfortunately neither did we: we had sold out!
I explained that and offered him a Caitanya-caritamrta set instead. He thought getting a CC set would be a wonderfully auspicious way to evoke the Lord's mercy on Ekadasi.
He gave me his number, and the next evening I called him to book an appointment.
Since he was quite busy on Friday with work and puja, he suggested I drop around at his home anytime and leave the books with his wife, who would give me the deposit. On Friday I arrived at his home and was met by his wife and kids. After I'd chatted with his wife a bit, she showed me Lesley's puja room, where I left the CC set and received the down payment.
Having a full set of Prabhupada's books in one's home is the real Moksa!! (Text D:4417417) -------------------------------------------
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Book Distribution News: A Most Auspicious Ekadasi
by Gokula Lila Dasi
One late Wednesday afternoon I went to a mall in central Auckland to distribute books. But about a half hour after I arrived the shops began closing, leaving just a few shoppers, the patrolling security guards, and me. Desiring to continue distributing, I went to the new warehouse parking garage near the mall that I'd learned about a few days earlier.
It wasn't so busy, yet I had some sweet exchanges.
Not long after arriving there, I stopped a well-dressed Indian-bodied South African man named Lesley, along with his nice wife. They were both doctors.
It turned out that Lesley was a friend of the head pujari at our local temple and had supplied him with some salagram silas. As we talked, he recalled that the coming Friday was Ekadasi. In fact, it was the special Ekadasi known as Moksada Ekadasi, and it was also Gita Jayanti. Lesley informed me of his plans to fast all day and night on the auspicious day and do a big puja.
As he told me this, a light bulb went off in my head . . .
"Hmmm, Moksada Ekadasi, Gita Jayanti. It would be a great day to purchase a full set of Prabhupada's books!"
I asked him if he had a Bhagavatam set, which he didn't, but unfortunately neither did we: we had sold out!
I explained that and offered him a Caitanya-caritamrta set instead. He thought getting a CC set would be a wonderfully auspicious way to evoke the Lord's mercy on Ekadasi.
He gave me his number, and the next evening I called him to book an appointment.
Since he was quite busy on Friday with work and puja, he suggested I drop around at his home anytime and leave the books with his wife, who would give me the deposit. On Friday I arrived at his home and was met by his wife and kids. After I'd chatted with his wife a bit, she showed me Lesley's puja room, where I left the CC set and received the down payment.
Having a full set of Prabhupada's books in one's home is the real Moksa!! (Text D:4417417) -------------------------------------------
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